By Juliann Krute, Fiber Arts Coordinator

Let us woo you to the fabulous world of fiber art at The Fiber Lounge this weekend at the Austin Mini Maker Faire! Are you interested in making things with yarn, fabric, wool or paper? We welcome you to come and get your craft on in our cozy lounge. Bring your current project and sit with us for a while or dabble in a new technique with our talented instructors. Seven local fiber artists will be running small group sessions to introduce you to a new hobby, including:

Saturday morning: Making pendants out of a paper-based clay with Dawn, Making your own yarn on a drop spindle with Heather
Saturday afternoon: Playing with yarn (including crochet, knitting and weaving) with Vivian, Dyeing a custom silk scarf with Juliann
Sunday morning: Needlefelting small sculptures with Marie, Making your own yarn on a drop spindle with Heather
Sunday afternoon: Making your own yarn on a drop spindle with Heather, Dyeing a custom silk scarf with Juliann

Drop in to The Fiber Lounge, located in the Fiber Village (indoors), and play with us! We’re also happy to answer any questions about fiber art making opportunities in Central Texas so you can take your new skills home with you and continue your maker journey all year.

Children are welcome but under 13s should be accompanied by an adult at all times.