Announcing our new Student Maker Area!

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Are you are a maker in grade K-16. Then there is a new way to show your project at the Maker Faire! You can always apply for a full size booth. But, if you want something simpler try this. There is a separate area for K-16 students to show projects in a collaborative area. It is set up with tables, chairs, and power. So it is perfect for student Makers who are exhibiting a small project. And, if you just need a table or some floor space, but not an entire 10′ x 10′ booth, this is for you.

The application process is simpler. And each student Maker receives a 3′ x 3′ table or floor space, access to power, and an area to meet other student Makers. So by helping each other students in this area should be able to show their project and take breaks to see the rest of the Faire. Makers in the Student area get a free ticket, and 2 half price tickets to the faire. Students under the age of 16 must be accompanied by an adult to the faire.

To apply start from the regular application process and select “Student Maker” for the first question. Then follow the instructions. You will need your parents permission and may need their help to sign up.

Click here to start the application!