Read about the student project area and scroll down to submit!

In conjunction with our first Regional Maker Education Summit we are excited to host our Student Project Area at the Faire. The intention behind this area is to provide a space with two specific goals in mind. This idea came together quickly. Please be ready for updates and communication as we try this out for the first time! We plan to learn from this and take this idea to the 2019 Maker Faire as well.

  1. Accessibility: A space where area k-12 students can show off maker projects cooperatively at the faire, without having to commit to staffing a booth for the entire 2 days. The booth will be staffed in shifts. These shifts will be filled cooperatively by those who submit the project and their helpers. While this means more projects can be shown off to the faire crowd, it also means that the projects should be more stand alone and have signage or materials to help describe them. The projects will be supervised and watched by the shifts, but they may not be able to give the details or answer questions about your project. It also needs to be a project you would be comfortable leaving in this type of setting.
  2. Community Learning: A workshop and presentation space where students can give workshops and presentations on their projects to the faire attendees and the teachers attending the summit. These could be about the projects on display, or independent of those projects.

Submit your projects, presentations, and workshops below.